Рейтинг: 5.0/5 (2 голосов)
Просмотров: 891
весна, снег тает, лес, речка

Ник /логин/: lt987654
Рейтинг: 540.11
Вид искусства: Живопись
Жанр: Пейзаж
Техника: Масло
Материал: Холст
Размер: 60x70 см
Год создания: 2017
Дата публикации: 03-07-2020
Цена: 1200 $ - Купить
Игорь Бердышев
Born March 24, 1954 in the city of Kashira, Moscow region.
He graduated from the Theatre Arts Technical School in Moscow.
Graduated from Stroganov MVHPU.
Member of the Union of Artists of Russia, member of the city, zonal and national exhibitions.
Held three solo exhibitions.
Winner of the contest (The best work of 2012) in the category
Audience Award - for the rich, melodious, decorative bright with a touch of
woodcut styling and naive parable allegorical painting, creative and aesthetic
phenomenon of personality, high energy spectator interest
Counselor of the Department of Culture of Moscow - V.N.Kapitonenko
Many of the works are in private collections both in Russia and abroad, as well as
Lytkarinsky in museum По вопросам приобретения пишите на адрес - lt987654@yandex.ru
Дата регистрации на портале: 09-02-2014 15:11:37
Последний раз был на портале: 02-12-2020 16:04:35
Россия, г.Лыткарино М.О.